NEW VEGAN TIP : FOOD PREP is going to save your A**

FOOD PREP isn't just for Bodybuilders . If you are a new VEgan or Vegetarian, your conscious will say one thing but years of conditioning will have you reaching for the In and Out Burger in No Time.

The Answer is make your meals and snacks ahead of time ,pick a day and include meal prep in your self care routine. Why because your not going to want to buy more food, its will already be done, you will know what you want to eat before hand, and not eating garbage will also be awesome for getting a flat stomach if that's your thing.

This is last week's meal prep for me .

Sweet and Sour Rice
Baked Sweet Potato
Stir Fried Cabbage

And Cabbage , Garlic Pasta in a Red Sauce.

Snack, Kashi Bars


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